Renowned for their electrifying live shows, the Bobby Thompson Band delivers a high-voltage blend of electric blues rock that has made waves in the Washington DC area and up and down the east coast of the United States. In 2019, Thompson’s self-title full-electric album garnered regional hits such as ‘My Everything’ and ‘On the Ground’, which are played regularly on stations such as WPFW in Washington DC. The trio's unique fusion of soulful vocals and electrifying guitar riffs has mesmerized audiences and garnered widespread acclaim, establishing them as a rising force in the electric blues rock scene.
The Bobby Thompson Band's impassioned lyrics and evocative melodies strike a chord with audiences, immersing them in a dynamic musical experience. Their dedication to honoring the essence of the blues tradition while injecting it with their own creative flair distinguishes them as a compelling and relevant voice in the contemporary electric blues rock landscape. As a testament to their unwavering commitment and musical prowess, the trio's music continues to captivate an expanding fan base, cementing their status as a prominent presence in the electric music scene.
Bobby has opened for Marcus King, Jimmie Vaughan, Sue Foley, and The Iguanas in the past few years, and garnered the attention of Gary Clark Jr in 2013 when opened for him, with another band, and displayed a high-level of a blues-rock performance.
Bobby has opened for Marcus King, Jimmie Vaughan, Sue Foley, and The Iguanas in the past few years, and garnered the attention of Gary Clark Jr in 2013 when opened for him, with another band, and displayed a high-level of a blues-rock performance.
"Bobby Thompson’s talent fills one’s ears and heart with the vigor and camaraderie that only comes in the midst of an appreciative audience. On eight original tracks and one cover (Elmore James’ “Look Over Yonder’s Wall”), this dynamic quartet goes all out to impress. This is reference-quality blues, not just any 'live release'."- BLUES BLAST MAGAZINE (2015 review of ‘Live in Arlington’ album disc ‘Live at IOTA’)
Listen to Bobby Thompson's latest single here:
GXB is an emerging band fusing southern rock and roll, country and soul influences for a tight, high energy live show. Built around the “instant classic” songwriting of Guy Bouchie, the band is rounded out by veteran DC musician Ben Tufts and a revolving door of top local talent. You can hear their debut single “High Roller” on all platforms.